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Can Blogs and Articles Replace Books?

I know it's a strange topic to write on but the idea came to me when a non-reader friend of mine said: "who needs a book in today's world. All the information is just a click away on Google." Not lying, I was mildly offended at this statement because it's not only them but I think most of the non-readers think this way.

There was a time when I hated reading too. It seemed daunting to read a book with no pictures and all I used to think was: how do people read these books?

I never hated books or considered them 'useless'. I always wanted to be an ardent reader but a book full of words and no pictures used to give me the anxiety of finishing it. Even though I didn't read at that time, I loved hoarding books anyway. Junior Encyclopaedia, 100 Grandma's Tales, The Secret Seven were some of my most loved possessions, besides stationery.

The first book I read was The Secret Seven by Enid Blyton. It was a gift to me and I kept it safe until I was ready to read it. I didn't know this 'gift' would one day open up a whole new world for me, a world that I never knew existed in my head. This book opened the doors of imagination and a place where I could escape to whenever reality seemed too tough to handle. This is one of the best things happened to me when I introduced myself to the magic of reading.

Anyway, keeping fiction aside because no internet articles can replace this anyway. Well, because of the genre, for one.

Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash

About non-fiction—can a 1000-1500 words article give you as much information about one subject as a 50,000 or more words book? I don't think so. Reading a summary of a book can never compare to the joy of reading every line of the book.

What I have gained from books is something I could never gain from all the articles on the internet. How many articles can you read on a topic? In what sequence? How many of those would provide information that's not already covered in other articles? How would you read as many articles on a relevant topic to understand the main subject better as did the author of the book? We get it all in one place, well-arranged, tried and tested in a book.

Photo by Ergita Sela on Unsplash

You are less likely to get distracted while reading a book than you are while reading something online.

We think we have seen the movie based on a book and it's enough; it's as good as reading the book. If you think so too, you're wrong. Movies kill the essence and intricacies of the books. Watching a character appear on screen is nothing compared to watching a character gradually take shape in your mind as you read along each line. Some moments are so magical in the books that they can't be even recreated on screen but have a lasting impact on your heart when you read them.

Let alone internet articles, blogs, or other sources of e-information, even e-books cannot replace paperbacks and hardbacks.

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  1. I loved the whole article and the last line had my heart 💓


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